bronze buckle with plate of Ljubljanica

Buckle with plate of Ljubljanica for cingulum with rivets and pins

Material: bronze

Origin: replica inspired by the Ljubljanica plate, entirely realized with bronze.

The plate was found near Vrhnika to the Ljubljanica River. The plate found was in silver with golden parts, the gilding affects the external elements and the bottom of the central part, the decorative elements involved two large acanthus leaves, each forming a chalice, two narrower leaves and six mini acanthus buds. The background is composed by small circles, in the middle of this decoration there is a small rose with eight petals. The dating period is from the second half of the first century B.C. to the the first half of the 1st century A.D. Considering the processing it is supposed that was realized in Italian territory. Original photos and study “The Hoard of Vrhnika study of the early Romans: A Collection of Finds from the Ljubljanica River” thanks to Prof. dr. Janka Istenič from Narodni Muzej Slovenije.

Size: 80 mm x 50 mm


Dimensions 4.8 × 4.3 cm